Dear parents, shnattim, bogrim, bogrot, communities and friends shalom rav,
We hope you are well!
In less than a week, we will celebrate Rosh Hashana- our New Year, on which we celebrate the ending of one year and the beginning of a new one. It is not only that time passes and that the year changes, but also that WE change. We grow a bit, learn a bit, change a tiny bit, adjust a bit- we are never the same as we were. That Is certainly true for Netzer Olami.
Netzer Olami is first and foremost a MOVEMENT, meaning it keeps changing and moving. And although it changes constantly, the latest changes are very present in our office. This coming new year, I will hand over to the brilliant Orit Shoshani, who will officially be the new Shnat Netzer Director. Knowing Orit for the last three years, I have no doubt she will be amazing in this role, and I wish her the best of luck. You can read more about Orit below, in the "Words of wisdom" corner.
As for me, it is time to step up and do my best to make this world a better place, through leading this amazing Movement we love. Netzer is truly a unique and special place for many, and I hope that in the coming years we will make it stronger and better. May it reach as many youngsters and be a warm home for many.
It is time to wish us all-

Wishing you all a restful weekend!

10 Questions with Orit Shoshani, New Director of Shnat Netzer
Shnat Netzer is the World Union’s leadership training and Israel experience program that hosts young adults from around the world for eight-ten months of learning, working and living in Israel. The World Union sat with Netzer Shnat’s newly-appointed Director, Orit Shoshani, to learn more about her and her vision for this transformative program.
What is your vision for Shnat? We want to create bogrim who care for the Jewish people and play an active role in shaping it. I want to reach as many young progressive Jews as possible, and will work to make sure that chanichim from all around the world are included. It is very important for the shnatties to have a personal connection with the state of Israel and it’s people and work in cooperation with Noar Telem in Israel.
What’s your favorite thing to do with Shnattim? Because it’s a year of exploring and learning new things, I love having ideological conversations with them about things that they recently learned – like social issues in Israel, philosophy, even new TV shows that have affected them somehow.
What do you feel is the most important experience Shnattim gain over the course of their year here? I feel they understand the importance of taking ownership and responsibility for their Netzer community, the society they are part of, and the state of Israel. Living in Israel and being part of it, not just from the outside as tourists but really living in it – like Yehuda Amichai describes in his poem Tourists – makes a big difference for their connection to Israel and their understanding of how it relates to their life. They see it all – the good, the bad & the ugly (and beautiful of course), and when they still love Israel with all its flaws, it’s true love – just like in a healthy relationship.
What’s your favorite song? Definitely Neil Young – Heart of Gold. Powerful lyrics and great music!
What’s your daily mantra? Happiness is only real when shared (from Into the Wild). And drink coffee.
Which bitmoji best describes you? I don’t use bitmoji because I’m too busy using GIFs (best thing happen to the world lately).
If you were a Disney character, which one would you be? I saw “Moana” lately with my niece and loved it and her. I think she is a strong, independent girl and is changing the whole concept of female characters’ and is a great model for little kids today + she is living on a tropical island so that’s great for sure.
Social media channel you’re most active on? Instagram, mainly because I love watching cake decorations for some reason.
Biggest pet peeve? What’s that?
Candy or cake? I don’t want to live in a world where you have to choose between those two

Weekly update by Adam Keren-Black
We're really settling into our routine here at Kibbutz Lotan, or at least it feels that way to me. It definitely feels like a new way and mode of life distinct to what we've experienced before on Shnat. Work days are long and certainly not easy, and we have events such as peer-led activities or cooking for the kibbutz in the evenings. Thus our schedule can be pretty intense, but there is time to rest, relax and have fun if we look for it. For example, I can happily say I've been spending a lot of time on the piano in the mo'adon, and we've also been discussing prayers, getting to know the Shinshins (people on Shnat Shirut, a year of service for young Israelis before the army) and also napping a lot.
We've had a lot of sickness going around recently, which is an awful shame. Lots of people have been missing days and even having to go down to Eilat to see the doctor. But we'll take care of each other and ourselves.
We were all very pleased this week to welcome back and our lovely Northerner Asha Sumroy for a couple of nights. The Northern Shnat program starts on Lotan, so it was very meaningful for her to return the same but different to this amazing place with the beautiful mountain views. And it was really nice to have her here!
Other things this week: we made some great gnocchi for the whole kibbutz, we had a lovely ma'amad run by Morgan and Hannah about our inspirations, and Mili and Liat ran a great kab shab that was attended by our shinshin friends. That's all for now, see you next week!

From IRAC's Newsletter
By Anat Hoffman
Dear reader,
Libraries are a place to gain knowledge, they are the Club Med of our minds.
The municipality of Jerusalem runs 20 public libraries in the city, many of which are funded by North American donors. As of recently, the ultra-Orthodox sector runs separate hours for men and women in 9 of the libraries. A mother cannot escort her son in the first-grade to the library to help him foster his love of books. A father cannot take his high school daughter to help her do research for a school project. These segregated hours stop people from gaining the knowledge they seek in a library.
In our fight for gender equality in Israel, we are the proud firefighters. When we put out one discriminatory fire, another springs up. We ended gender segregation on buses. We have made strides towards an end to gender segregation on airlines, medical clinics and on the streets. But every time we make progress in one area, gender discrimination begins in another area. This time, the fire has sprung up in one of the central halls of learning.
The law is on our side. Gender segregation in public is illegal. However, ultra-Orthodox Knesset members and city council members are trying to do away with this law claiming that their cultural and religious needs come above the law. Many council members used harsh words to encourage the segregation and attack Reform Jews, including quotes such as:
"The Reform movement isn't interested in anything, not women, nothing. All they are interested in is chasing after the Haredi public, trying to force their way of life, a permissive and lawless lifestyle, on them. But it won't help them. The Haredi public will continue to behave per their rules of behavior, per instruction of their Rabbis, and the Reform Jews can scream as much as they want." -Eliezer Rauchberger, Chairman of the United Torah Judaism faction of the Jerusalem City Council.

Extending our Hearts and Hands to Reform Jews and Congregations in Houston: How You Can Help
Our hearts are with our Reform communities in Houston, who are still recovering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey. Most of the Jewish synagogues and institutions in the Houston area have been flooded and, of course, hundreds of thousands of people are still without water, power or access to their homes. We have heard from the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston that 71% of our Jewish population live in areas that have seen massive flooding. Just a few short months after we celebrated with our Reform sisters and brothers in Houston – honoring Dolores Wilkenfeld and Steve Breslauer- we send the entire community our thoughts and prayers as they begin the rebuilding efforts.
For ways you and your congregations can help, visit Five Jewish Ways to Help After Hurricane Harvey via the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) in North America.

In the Parashat Hashavu'a corner, we will direct you to the World Union for Progressive Judaism's column "Torah from around the world", where each week another Progressive Rabbi writes about the weekly portion. For this week's portion click here.

Date Picking Memes for Kibbutznik Teens
This is the new FB page you MUST check out!!,Here are a couple of examples!!
Netzer is looking for a new Etgar Director; a new Rosh Chinuch; and a Shnat Madrich/a! If you live in Israel or are planning to and you're looking to do something meaningful and ideological for the worldwide movement please contact Netzer at Shnat@wupj.org.il
אם אתם בוגרים של אחת מהמסגרות הרפורמיות, עם ניסיון בחינוך בלתי פורמלי, בעלי ידע ביהדות ובציונות ושליטה מלאה בשפה העברית והאנגלית – אנו מזמינים אתכם/ן להגיש מועמדות לאחד משלושת התפקידים הבאים בנצר עולמי: מנהל/ת תכנית אתגר, ראש חינוך, ומדריך/ת שנת נצ"ר. העבודה במשרה מלאה בירושלים ואינה מתאימה לסטודנטים. אנא שלחו קורות חיים למייל הזה.
News from RSY-Netzer
So so proud of Shnat Nof graduate- Elinor Knox, who was elected to be thenew RSY-Nezter community Movement Worker!!!

News from the UJIA
Our Chief Executive Michael Wegier on some news here at UJIA:
“I am delighted to announce that Robin Moss has been appointed UJIA's first Director of Strategy. Robin has a deep understanding of Israel and the Jewish community. He has been at UJIA for six years beginning his career as the UJIA JAMS Fieldworker and most recently as Head of the UJIA Israel Engagement Centre, where he instigated and led the successful UJIA Fast Track programme. His innovative approach to delivering educational programmes is renowned across the community.
“As Director of Strategy, Robin will be responsible for shaping the UJIA Israel Engagement Strategy as well as inspiring and leading our Israel engagement teams. Robin’s appointment shows first hand our desire to develop our own people and I am sure you will join me in congratulating Robin on his new position.”

Very proud of Robin, and LJY Boger and ex- Movement worker of LJY-Netzer
High Holy Days are here!
If you are in Jerusalem, we would love to see you!
For more information about the High Holy Days, ideas for activities and recipes, click here!
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom,
Lior and the Netzer staff
This may be the first weekly update you receive directly from us, and is part of our goal to have more direct and open communication with all our partners in this program
if you think there is anyone else that should receive this weekly updates, please send me their details
As always, the local Netzer Branch is always there for you as well